8 Best Practices for Breast Milk Storage

As a breastfeeding parent, you know how precious breast milk is. Whether you're pumping for convenience, returning to work, or simply want to build up a supply, proper breast milk storage is essential to preserve nutrients and ensure safety. Here are some best practices to help you navigate the world of breastmilk storage.

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Birthly Team
8 Remedies for Allergy Relief During Pregnancy

Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to environmental substances like pollen, dust, or pet dander. Symptoms can look like sneezing, congestion, headaches, runny nose, or itchy eyes. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can influence the severity of allergies and while some women experience improvement, others develop new sensitivities.

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Birthly Team
5 Tips for a Successful C-Section Recovery

Despite their prevalence, C-sections are still major abdominal surgery, and many moms are often unprepared for the challenges of recovery. This lack of preparedness can lead to unnecessary discomfort and complications that can be avoided with proper care. So what are some valuable recovery tips to keep in mind as you heal after a C-section?

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Birthly Team
6 Tips for Pain Management During Labor

Labor can be an intense and painful experience, but there are some techniques that can help make the process more manageable. While every woman's pain threshold and experience are unique, here are some tips for dealing with pain during labor that may provide relief and comfort.

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Birthly Team
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your immune system undergoes changes to protect your growing baby, but it can also make you more vulnerable to certain infections, including foodborne illnesses. Food poisoning during pregnancy can lead to a range of complications, such as dehydration, preterm birth, and developmental issues for the baby. To safeguard your pregnancy, it's important to be aware of the foods that pose a higher risk of foodborne infections.

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Birthly Team
3 Ways to Ease Anxiety During Pregnancy

Anxiety is incredibly common for expectant mothers at any given point during pregnancy. It can manifest in different forms like worries about the health of the baby or concerns about labor and delivery. Hormonal fluctuations, physical changes, and the anticipation of a major life transition can inevitably illicit feelings of overwhelm! While some level of anxiety is normal, excessive or chronic anxiety can have adverse effects on mother and baby, which is why it is helpful to have easily accessible tools in place to help soothe an anxious mind.

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Birthly Team
5 Benefits of Prenatal Exercise

Pregnancy might seem like the perfect reason to sit down on the couch and relax, but the truth is, pregnancy is the perfect opportunity to get moving! As your body goes through all the changes that come with growing a baby, regular exercise helps your body adapt and make your pregnancy experience healthier and more comfortable. Whether you have been exercising regularly or are just getting started, engaging in prenatal exercise is a powerful way to ensure a healthy start for both mom and baby.

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Birthly Team
Common Breastfeeding Concerns: “Where can I find support?”

Breastfeeding, while natural, is not always easy. Many new mothers encounter challenges like latching issues, pain, engorgement, low milk supply, and even emotional struggles. These difficulties can lead to frustration, self-doubt, and a sense of isolation. As nursing moms navigate their breastfeeding journey, it is so important to have resources for the inevitable question: “where can I find support?”

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Birthly Team
Zurzuvae and Beyond: Comprehensive Solutions for Postpartum Depression

A milestone has been reached in the world of maternal mental health with Zurzuvae (zuranolone), the new FDA-approved pill for postpartum depression (PPD). This once-a-day pill promises a faster and more targeted approach to alleviating PPD symptoms in as little as three days. While this breakthrough is promising, it's important to recognize that PPD is a growing, complex issue that demands a comprehensive response made up of both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical support and resources.

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Birthly Team